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Marley Coffee Lively Up Real Cup 24ct

Marley Coffee Lively Up Real Cup 24ct

Regular price $19.49


Marley Coffee Lively Up is definitely the coffee to choose when you meed to wake up and get yourself moving! Lively Up! is the only espresso roast by Marley Coffee and one of the only few espresso roasted coffees available for the Keurig brewer. Marley Coffee Lively Up is a medium to dark roast that will appeal to coffee drinkers of any kind! With the inviting flavours of caramel and sweet cocoa, this smooth espresso roast will wow your taste buds, without the bitterness that is commonly expected in a bold dark roast. Espresso is typically the base of cappuccinos and lattes, so Lively Up is the perfect starting point for your favourite beverage! Marley Coffee Lively Up is a certified organic coffee, which means no pesticides were used in the crop the beans were grown in!

Marley Coffee Lively Up is now available in a clear plastic eco-cup! Same great coffee, better for the Earth! Follow the instructions on the box for easy disposal into your blue bin.

Marley Coffee Lively Up is now Keurig 2.0 compatible!

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