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Timothy's French Roast 24ct

Timothy's French Roast 24ct

Regular price $18.49


$13.50/box when you buy 4 or more


Dark roast drinkers mean business. They're the bravest of coffee drinkers because they like it bold dark and sometimes even enjoy the burnt bitter taste that can sometimes be found in dark roasts. Timothy's French Roast is dark roasted just before the coffee comes to the point where it will be burnt. French roast is just about the darkest you can go when it comes to k-cups and coffee in general. It gives you the strong robust flavours of coffee that the connoisseurs are after. To be able to roast a bean to just before burning it is truly an art. A delicate balance that gives Timothy's French roast it's intensely dark flavour while it maintains a smoky sweet note with a lingering finish. Timothy's French Roast contains 50% Rainforest Alliance coffee. A truly important initiative to the communities where coffee is harvested. Timothy's French Roast offers a balanced acidity with a pleasing aroma and a smooth taste. If you enjoy your coffee with a bite to it, Timothy's French Roast could be just the one you're looking for!

Timothy's French Roast is Keurig 2.0 Compatible!

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