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Timothy's Midnight Magic 24ct

Timothy's Midnight Magic 24ct

Regular price $18.49


$13.50/box when you buy 4 or more


There are some that say coffee is a small cup of magic at our fingertips everyday. Here at Markcol we couldn't agree more with this statement! When you drink Timothy's Midnight Magic you will be a believer too! You don't need to be a magician to see coffee is a magical, delicious, hot beverage that keeps us alert and gets us through the toughest of days. Definitely magical! Timothy's Midnight Magic is a powerful extra bold dark roast made with 100% Arabica beans. It is magically smooth and although it is a dark roast, still manages to have a sweet note to it. Timothy's Midnight Magic is an extra bold k-cup. This means there are 2 extra ounces of coffee added to each k-cup. This doesn't necessarily mean a stronger roast, just more coffee flavour to enjoy! Brew yourself a cup of Timothy's Midnight Magic and maybe you'll start to believe in the magical powers of coffee too, if you don't already! If rich bold flavours are what you desire, Timothy's Midnight Magic is the k-cup for you!

Timothy's Midnight Magic is Keurig 2.0 Compatible!

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