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Martinson Cup O' Cocoa 24ct

Martinson Cup O' Cocoa 24ct

Regular price $19.49


One of Markcol's most popular hot chocolates! Martinson Cup O' Cocoa is a delicious, smooth and creamy hot chocolate available for your Keurig brewer. Each cup you brew will remind you of the time you spent hanging out at the local hockey arena as a kid. A winter favourite that we like to enjoy all year round! This hot chocolate k-cup will appeal to kids and adults alike. Because it is just the perfect balance of sweet and rich. High quality milk chocolate is used in every cup of Martinson Cup O' Cocoa. So whether you're on the go, or curling up on the couch it's a great hot chocolate to have in your mug. If you've never brewed a hot chocolate on your Keurig before, we recommend giving the k-cup a bit of a shake before you brew it. This helps to loosen up the product and allows for easier brewing. We want all the chocolate in the cup to end up in your mug! For more info on the best ways to brew hot chocolate in your Keurig, head on over to the "K-Cup Tips" blog on our website!

Martinson Cup O' Cocoa is Keurig 2.0 Compatible!


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