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Timothy's Chai Latte 24ct

Timothy's Chai Latte 24ct

Regular price $20.99


Who knew your Keurig could brew a delicious tea latte with exciting flavours reminiscent of the holidays. Timothy's Chai Latte combines the homey flavours of cinnamon, cardamom and clove to bring you a slightly spiced, sweet latte that is sure to become your favourite! You really can't go wrong with this latte, a true crowd pleaser for even the pickiest of palettes. Something about the flavours of clove and cinnamon remind you of home around the holiday season. The aroma alone is enough to leave you craving one of these sweet indulgent lattes! The intoxicating scent of this k-cup will fill your whole home with inviting flavours as it brews. A hot delicious, flavourful latte in a matter of seconds right from your Keurig! Timothy's Chai Latte is made with some of the highest quality Chai tea leaves, which is why this is one of our most popular indulgent k-cups we regularly stock here at Markcol! Did you know that "Chai" is an Indian word which translates to "tea" in English? Chai is a black tea originally from India, that you can now find pretty much wherever tea is sold! Spicy and sweet, the perfect combination to drift away with.

Timothy's Chai Latte is Keurig 2.0 compatible!

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